It's almost impossible to have been a child in the 2000s without having had some contact with the Pokémon franchise. The anime based on Nintendo's game series introduces us to various captivating little monsters, each with their own spectacular and powerful transformations.
Because it's such a long-running anime that originated from an even older game and is still very popular among otaku, there are a lot of Pokémon in the story. To clarify once and for all which are the strongest pokémon in the franchise, we've prepared this list for you which will rank the thirteen most powerful, from weakest to strongest!

Dragonite may not be the strongest pokémon of all, but it is still very much in the hearts of fans. The dragon-like flying monster was introduced at the very beginning of the franchise as one of the most powerful in its universe, being able to circle the world in just 16 hours.
It is the evolution of Dragonair which, in turn, is the evolution of Dratini, belonging to the first generation of Pokémon. It tends to have a rather sweet personality and is very kind to humans. Its strength and ability to fly make it one of the strongest pokémon in the franchise.

Kyogre is a pokémon that definitely couldn't be left off this list. The water-type legendary belongs to the third generation of pokémon and is even mentioned in the mythology of the universe of the work about the creation of the world.
According to these stories, Kyogre was responsible for the expansion of the seas and oceans. As one of the members of the group of primary creatures, Kyogre is able to create great storms, tempests and manipulate water.

Like Kyogre, Groudoun plays a fundamental role in the pokémon mythology of the formation of the world. According to the mythology, he is the monster responsible for the elevation of the continents, sleeping in the depths of the earth where the magma is and can also cause volcanoes to erupt.
Groudoun is a ground-type pokémon and was added to the franchise in the third generation. He is also known for being the only ground pokémon to be able to deliver super-effective blows against electric pokémon, making him one of the strongest pokémon in the franchise for many reasons.

Introduced in the sixth generation with the arrival of the Kalos region, Zygarde is a Dragon and Earth-style Pokémon that looks very similar to a giant snake. Together with Xerneas and Yveltal, it is part of the trio of little monsters from Kalos.
Because of his strength and combat power, Zygarde has earned his place among the strongest pokémon in the franchise, being one of the most powerful when it comes to attacking. I'm sure many trainers would like to have it in their pokédex.

Palkia, like Kyogre and Goundon, is also directly linked to the creation mythology of the Pokémon universe. It is said that he, Dialga and Giratina were created directly by Arceus. It is directly linked to the universe's concept of space, being able to create new realities and connect dimensions.
This is one of the strongest pokémon in the franchise and was introduced in the fourth generation, being of the Dragon and Water types. Palkia is also well known among fans for its high special attack potential.

Of the three pokémon created by Arceus directly, Dialga is one of the greatest little monsters ever created. While Palkia has the ability to control space, Dialga's connection is with time, being able to travel through it, reduce it and even stop it.
It first appeared in the fourth generation of monsters and its types are Dragon and Steel, which makes it vulnerable to ground pokémon and fighters. It is also considered the mascot of Nintendo's Pokémon Diamond game.

Unlike the other two pokémon created by Arceus, Giratina is not associated with very good things. It is often associated with natural disasters and bad luck, and is portrayed as an entity of war.
However, the giant dragon- and ghost-type monster introduced in the fourth generation is still one of the strongest pokémon in the franchise. It is capable of traveling between the dimensions of the distorted world since it was banished there because of its violent attitudes. It has two forms: Altered and Original, which are more focused on defense and attack respectively.

Ho-oh is a legendary bird that resembles a phoenix, leaving a trail of rainbows wherever it goes. He is known as the guardian of the skies and also leads the trio of legendary dogs that, like him, were introduced in the second generation of pokémon.
One of the strongest pokémon in the franchise, it has the power to raise the dead and is also the only one capable of learning the sacred fire technique. It is of the flying and fire types and, together with Lugia, makes up the Duo of the Towers.

Despite having wings so powerful that they can generate devastating storms, Lugia is a peaceful pokémon who has decided to isolate himself in the depths of the sea to avoid natural disasters. He is considered the master of the three legendary birds introduced in the first generation, Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos, and is the guardian of the seas.
Its types are psychic and flying, and it is very effective in both offensive and defensive skills. Along with Ho-oh, it is one of the best-known monsters of the second generation and also one of the strongest pokémon in the franchise.

Just as Kyogre and Groundoun can control the seas and the land respectively, Rayquaza has the power to control the atmosphere and the weather. It can also control the other two legendary pokémon mentioned, ending the confrontation between them.
It's a huge snake, seven meters long and weighing over 200 kilos. It can be found flying through the ozone layer, which makes it difficult to see. It was introduced in the third generation and couldn't be left out of a list of the strongest pokémon in the franchise.

Mew is one of the most beloved pokémon by fans and also one of the strongest pokémon in the franchise. At first, scholars of the universe believed that he was nothing more than a myth, but that all changed when he was found in South America. It is known for containing the DNA of all existing pokémon, being able to learn any move and become invisible.
This mythical Pokémon belongs to the first generation and is of the psychic type. Its story was extensively explored in the animated film Pokémon 2000, one of the best known in the franchise. It is believed that Mew is responsible for the creation of other pokémon species.

Mewtwo is a pokémon introduced in the first generation and often cited as one of the strongest pokémon in the franchise. It was artificially created using Mew's DNA, but has a totally different character, surpassing it in some respects.
He's a psychic pokémon who, like Mew, had his story very well explored in the first feature of the franchise, and also appeared in the live action Detective Pikachu in all his glory. There's no denying all the power displayed by it and its Y and X mega evolutions.

Among all types of pokémonArceus is the strongest. He is regarded as a deity in the franchise's universe, having been responsible for shaping everything that exists in the world as we know it. He is also responsible for the creation of other powerful legendaries and his full potential has not even been revealed in the story.
Despite being a normal type and having only been introduced in the fourth generation, Arceus has the ability to change shape and type as it pleases through items known as plates. There's no way it wouldn't be at the top of a list of the strongest pokémon in the franchise.
Did you miss any monsters on this list? Let us know in the comments!