JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a work written by Hirohiko Araki, who revolutionized his own story by introducing the famous Stands! Stands are the physical manifestation of each character's power, with an appearance related to the personality and ability of its user. This makes each protagonist, antagonist and supporting character have their own stand, but what would be the strongest stands in JoJo's?
It's worth noting that this is not the only manifestation of power in anime, but since it was inserted in the third installment of the work, the popularity of the plot has increased considerably. So let's find out together which are the 15 most powerful stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and rank them from weakest to strongest! Let's do it!
15 - The Hand

Starting the list with this stand, which has as its user a young high school student named Okuyasu Nijimura, one of the closest friends of Josuke, the protagonist of Diamond is Unbreakable. Okuyasu is initially introduced in the plot as an antagonist, but quickly switches sides and becomes one of Josuke's best friends.
His power is among the strongest stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for being able to eliminate space and time from any area that is in the range of his attack. In other words: with a simple attack he can erase the distance and time it would take him to reach his opponent, which can be a great element of surprise if used in the right way.
14 - Purple Haze

Purple Haze is a stand from the Vento Aureo season and has a simply deadly ability! This stand has as its user a young man named Fugo Pannacotta, who is one of the members of Bucciarati's team and, consequently, one of the members of the Passione gang.
He is a temperamental young man, and quite a strategist. His stand has the ability to produce a deadly virus in bubbles that are launched from his fists, which can end a fight in moments. The risk his opponents take puts him among the strongest stands in JoJo's!
13 - Crazy Diamond

Crazy Diamond is the stand of the protagonist of the fourth installment of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, so of course it would be among JoJo's strongest stands! Josuke is the illegitimate son of Joseph Joestar and only finds this out after meeting Jotaro Kujo. Josuke is a high school student and is a charismatic, likeable young man with a kind heart, which makes his stand a reflection of such a personality.
The combat power of his Crazy Diamond is almost as strong as Jotaro's Star Platinum, but its real ability is to heal and restore just about anything, from objects to people. This is a great advantage if the user or his allies are injured in combat, as he can heal them instantly.
12 - Metallica

Another deadly stand for our list of JoJo's strongest stands, this time its user is Risotto Nero, an antagonist from Vento Aureo who was part of the mafia and had his own group of professional assassins. Risotto, in turn, was known for killing any target he was given, no matter who it was or the conditions imposed on him to do so.
His stand, Metallica, had the ability to manipulate the iron inside the body of his victims, being able to mold it even into sharp objects. In addition, he could also cause the hemoglobin levels in his opponents' bodies to drop, leading to a slow and painful death. He is very versatile and his user knows how to exploit all the possibilities of his power, this is what makes Metallica such a powerful stand.
11 - Killer Queen

Killer Queen is the stand of the antagonist known as Yoshikage Kira, a ruthless killer who hides behind a personality shaped to appear peaceful, happy, and confident. Kira is extremely intelligent and a strategist, managing to unite these traits with his Killer Queen, one of the strongest stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!
This stand has the ability to create bombs just by touching the surface of objects or people, and can turn anything into a large explosive weapon. It has two types of bombs, namely: Sheer Heart Attack (a long-range bomb) and Bites The Dust (which can be planted on a victim's body and explodes when Kira's identity is revealed).
10 - Notorious B.I.G

This is a different kind of stand than the others, since it is an autonomous mechanism that remains working even after the death of its user! Notorious B.I.G. shows what a stand needs to be among the strongest... As soon as its user dies the stand does not disappear, but has its power activated, attacking anything that moves and increasing its size as it devours matter and energy.
He also cannot be destroyed, because with his regenerative power, he cannot die. Its user is an exotic looking man with a threatening and invasive expression, but he is eventually killed and leaves his stand to attack his opponents.
9 - Cream

The Cream stand has a shadowy appearance, much like a monstrous ghost, but it is not this that places it among the strongest stands in JoJo's, but rather its terrible ability: it devours itself and its user by sending them into another dimension. This causes a portal to be generated that quickly erases everything it touches, leaving its targets powerless against its attacks.
His user is known as Vanilla Ice and his stand has one weakness: he cannot see around him while in another dimension, which makes him vulnerable to stands that perform fast attacks. But other than that, he is a virtually invulnerable stand!
8 - King Crimson

The King Crimson stand is the manifestation of the power of none other than the former boss of Passione, the Diavolo. His greatest characteristic is his obsession with erasing absolutely all traces that show what his true identity is, doing everything he can to leave his tracks secret. But of course King Crimson would be among the strongest stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure with such a relevant user!
His stand has two abilities capable of ending a fight in very few seconds: the Epitaph (which allows the user to predict the future) and the ability to clear time (being able to dodge all attacks immediately). These abilities, together with the intelligence of a leader of one of the biggest gangs in Vento Aureo, make him an almost unbeatable opponent.
7 - Weather Report

The Weather Report is the stand of Enrico Pucci's brother, the so-called Domenico Pucci. What makes him one of the strongest stands in JoJo's is his versatility and the wide range of options for attack and defense, thanks to his ability to manipulate the weather and make a fight much more difficult for his opponent by raising or lowering the temperature. In addition to this, he also has an ability called Intempéries, triggered when Weather Report recovered Enrico Pucci's memories.
His user, in turn, is introduced in Stone Ocean and allies with Jolyne Cujoh, the protagonist of this saga. He is also stuck together with Jolyne initially doesn't know much about his past, later finding out that he is the younger twin brother of Enrico Pucci, the antagonist of this part of the franchise.
6 - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheep (D4C)

Funny Valentine is the user of the stand Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheep, as well as being the 23rd President of the United States and the main antagonist in Steel Ball Run. Of course with a resume like that his manifestation of power would be among the strongest stands in JoJo's, right? His ability consists of being able to travel through parallel universes with his dimensional ability.
This makes him one of the most complex stands in the series as well, because with this power, he can erase injuries simply by switching places with an alternate version of himself, as well as changing other dimensions to be able to dominate his opponents. What can you say about a character who can alter reality, right?
5 - Star Platinum

This is perhaps one of the most famous stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, as its user is none other than Jotaro Kujo, one of the main characters in the series and who participates in numerous parts of the franchise. When it comes to speed, strength, and power of blows, Star Platinum is way ahead of the pack, and for this reason it is considered by many fans to be one of JoJo's strongest stands in the entire animated series.
Jotaro's stand is very precise in its blows, and they are practically indefensible to its opponents. As if his brute strength were not enough, Star Platinum has also acquired the ability to stop time for 5 seconds, an incredible feat that can change the course of a fight.
4 - Made In Heaven

The main antagonist in Stone Ocean is one of DIO Brando's most faithful followers: Enrico Pucci, holder of the Made In Heaven stand. He is a religious radical who idolizes DIO as a God and is willing to do anything to bring him back into the series. The embodiment of his power is among the most powerful stands in JoJo's because he is able to control gravity, which allows him to move at speeds above normal.
Made in Heaven is still able to accelerate time, as well as non-biological phenomena, making an attack that directs its opponents to dangerous places fatal. It can also clash with the powerful Star Platinum, nullifying its ability to paralyze time and undoing its power.
3 - Tusk

This is one of the few JoJo 's Bizarre Adventure stands that have different forms (known as Acts), being a consequence of Johnny Joestar's increased power over time in the Steel Ball Run saga. Its power is derived from a supernatural phenomenon called "Spin" and in Act 1 form its user can use this Spin to shoot projectile-like nails at high speeds, strong enough to destroy solid rock and similar structures.
As he is constantly evolving, his power evolves as well, and with this comes the ability to create space wormholes, but it is in Act 4 that we have his highlight and what places him among the strongest stands in JoJo's: he becomes able to use the energy of his "Golden Spin" to generate infinite rotational energy, capable of bypassing Time Stop abilities and multidimensional barriers.
2 - The World

Of course, the stand of the biggest antagonist in the entire series would not be left out of our list, after all, he is worthy of being among the strongest stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure! The Word is the stand of Dio Brando, owner of some of the most iconic "JoJo's Pose" in the entire series, as well as a high level of power that always puts him at an advantage against his opponents.
DIO has always been a selfish, cruel, narcissistic being, and indifferent to the cruelties he does to others. His stand, on the other hand, is one of the most powerful, being the first in the series to appear with the ability to stop time for a total of 9 seconds! Not only that, but the villain himself stated that this Time Stop duration would increase as he evolved. In the entire JoJo's series, this ability to control time is among the most powerful of all and is one of the most difficult to learn and master.
1 - Gold Experience

Derived from user Giorno Giovanna, protagonist of Vento Aureo and son of DIO Brando, the Gold Experience Requiem is the top 1 most powerful stand in JoJo's! This version is the most evolved of Giorno's Gold Experience and, like its previous form, is capable of bringing anything touched by it to life. This allows organs to be healed, inorganic objects to be reshaped and turned into living creatures, etc.
His physical strength and speed also increased with this evolution, making a single stone able to destroy buildings and pierce human flesh being thrown by the Gold Experience Requiem. We cannot forget his divine ability: the ability to bring back anything he wants, making all attacks useless since he can recreate anything. His attacks are also intense, as his opponents are in a cycle of being forced to relive death over and over again, which can seem cruel to a good guy like Giorno.
The Most Powerful Stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!

You have just checked which are the 15 strongest Stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventureone of the main shounen works of today! Of course, the list of stands in this series is very extensive, containing more than 60 representations of the characters' powers, but among all of them, we found out that the most powerful one is for sure the Gold Experience Requiem! But what about you, which stand is the most powerful in your opinion? Share it with us!
Now that you have met JoJo's most powerful ones, how about checking them out the strongest Hashiras from Demon Slayer with the help of our list? And to learn more about the most powerful stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, check out the following video: