The game GTA San Andreas was produced by Rockstar Games and was released in 2004. Even today, 20 years later, it remains one of the most popular games in the world, including here in Brazil, and has a huge fan base. Completing all of the missions in GTA San Andreas is the goal of the game, even if some are confusing and complex, but this guide on how to complete the main missions in GTA San Andreas will help you complete the game!
We have prepared an organized and complete guide, separated by location, where you can see a list of all the main missions in the game. GTA San Andreas missions are thrilling and the player needs to be quick-witted to complete each one. If you are having trouble with a mission, you can use our guide to find out how to complete it. With this article, the task of finishing the game will be easier! Let's go!
Los Santos

Los Santos will be the first region where you will need to complete the main missions of GTA San Andreas. In this phase, you will have to complete numerous challenges that range from simple to more complex, see the step by step below:
- In the Beginning: Watch the first scene that will introduce you to the game's dynamics and then go to Grove Street following the map;
- Big Smoke: Head to the house of the game's popular character, named CJ. There you should meet another character, named Big Smoke;
- Sweet & Kendl: use a BMX model bike to escape from the Ballas gang with your friends called Sweet, Smoke and Ryder;
- Ryder: Time to spruce up your look! Get in the car with the character named Ryder and go to the hairdresser indicated on the map. Then, go to the pizzeria across the street, order a pizza like a normal customer, and then rob the establishment. After the attempted robbery, escape with the character Ryder and return to the character CJ's house;
- Tagging up Turf: Get in the car with the character named Sweet and drive to the point indicated on the map. Once you get to the marked location, use a spray can to spray paint over the graffiti made by the Ballas gang, who are your rivals. The graffiti is spread throughout the city;
- Cleaning the Hood: Get back in the car, but this time with Ryder. Take out a drug dealer by going to Grove Street and then take out some members of the Ballas gang who are in the crack house in Idlewood;
- Drive-Thru: Drive to the diner and then stop the Ballas gang from reaching Grove Street;
- Nines and AK's: go to the house of the character named Emmet. There you will have to practice and train your aim with the character Big Smoke. In this part of the game, the player is introduced to the resources and clothing stores available so that they can change their look as many times as they want;
- Drive-By: go to the point indicated on the map so that your friends can eliminate some members of the Ballas gang, your rivals;
- Sweet's Girl: in this phase you must go to the house of the character Sweet's girlfriend, eliminating the gangsters from the Seville Boulevard Families and take both of them – Sweet and his girlfriend – to Grove Street;
- Cesar Vialpando: Time to customize your car. Go to the garage indicated on the map, tune the Low Rider model car and win a race;
- OG Loc: at this stage of the game you must use a motorcycle to chase and eliminate the character called Freddy;
- Running Dog: Now it's the turn of the other gang members. Chase and eliminate a member of the Vagos, another rival group;
- Wrong Side of the Tracks: use the motorcycle to stay next to the train and provide full assistance while the character Big Smoke attacks the Vagos members;
- Just Business: time to prove your commitment to your allies and help the character Big Smoke in a direct confrontation against the Russian mafia;

- Life's a Beach: Go to the beach using the map. Once there, you should talk to the DJ who is playing there. Dance and look like you're having fun... Then, steal the van that has the sound equipment that OG Loc's character needs;
- Madd Dogg's Rhymes: this mission will be a little more dangerous, as you will have to break into the character Madd Dogg's mansion to find and steal his rhymes notebook that is somewhere in the house;
- Management Issues: Now it's time to kidnap the businessman and the girlfriend of the character Madd Dogg. Your objective is to carry out the orders and throw the car into the water with them inside;
- House Party: help the character Sweet and other members of Groove Street defend themselves from an invasion by the rival Ballas gang;
- Home Invasion: steal a truck, drive to the house of a war veteran who will be pointed out on the map and steal his resources to give your gang more firepower;
- Catalyst: get on a train that will be indicated and throw the ammunition boxes that were stolen to the character Ryder;
- Robbing Uncle Sam: now the level has been raised. Go to the National Guard base and steal their resources, focusing on escaping the soldiers alive and not getting caught for the theft;
- High Stakes, Low Rider: Time for the challenge! Challenge the characters Cesar and Kendl to a Low Rider style car race and beat them, coming in first;
- Burning Desire: Go to the house of the rival gang known as Vagos and set the place on fire. But don't forget to save the girl who is on the first floor of the house;
- Gray Imports: go to the docks that will be indicated on the map. Once there, you must invade the indicated warehouse and execute one of the Russian mafia drug dealers;
- Doberman: in this phase you must eliminate some members of the Ballas gang and conquer the Glen Park territory;
- Los Sepulcros: also eliminate the character called Kane and the members of the Ballas gang who protect him;
- Reunithing the Families: Save your friend Sweet from the police, and go with him to a place called Jefferson Motel;
- The Green Saber: Time to meet a new character, a man named Cesar Vialpando. Then save your friend Sweet from an ambush.


In the Whetstone region, you will need to complete the main missions of GTA San Andreas, but with a slightly different dynamic. In this region, the missions are few and simpler than in Los Santos. See below:
- Badlands: Go to Mount Chiliad, which will be indicated on the map. Climb the mountain discreetly, then execute a witness, photograph his corpse, and take the camera back to the trailer you saw on the way to the top of the mountain;
- Body Harvest: Go to the farm indicated on the map and steal the harvesting machine for The Truth;
- King in Exile: now your mission is just to find the characters Cesar and Kendl, in Angel Pine.
Red County

Meanwhile, in Red County, you'll need to complete the main missions of GTA San Andreas with the help of new characters, including a bank robbery. Check it out below:
- First Date: in this phase new characters appear. Go to the indicated bar and find a woman named Catalina. She is the cousin of the character Cesar Vialpando and will be by his side in the crimes of this phase;
- Tanker Commander: Steal a gas tanker to refuel your gang's vehicles and take it to the location in Flint County;
- Against All Odds: with Catalina as your partner in crime, rob a betting shop and escape from the police with her;
- Local Liquor Store: Next to Catalina, continue robbing along the way. This time, try robbing a liquor store;
- Small Town Bank: also rob the Palomino Creek bank with Catalina and save the girl from the police, as you will need to protect her;
- Wu Zi Mu: in this phase you must challenge the character Woozie to a car racing and beat him;
- Farewell, My Love: Also challenge the character named Claude, who is Catalina's boyfriend, and beat him in a car race.
Flint County

Here, doing the main missions of GTA San Andreas is simple, since in Flint County there is only one mission:
- Are You Going to San Fierro?: This is one of the easiest stages, as you just need to destroy the marijuana plantation in the area using a flamethrower. Then, head to San Fierro, which is indicated on the map.
San Fierro

Now that you're in San Fierro, you'll need to do the main missions of GTA San Andreas very carefully, as this region has a wide range of missions. Here's what you need to do to advance to the next level:
- Wear Flowers in Your Heir: new characters will be introduced into the story and, here, you will meet Dwaine, Jethro and Zero;
- 555 We Tip: This mission requires you to plant drugs in a lawyer's car and, to do so, you will need to disguise yourself as a valet to avoid getting caught;
- Deconstruction: note that next to the gas station, there is a construction site with workers. Go to the site and execute the workers for harassing the character Kendl;
- Air Raid: use the Minigun to protect Zero's antennas against Berkley's planes;
- Supply Lines: time to execute the Berkley character's delivery men, who are using Zero's RC plane;
- New Model Army: Zero will have a challenge and you will have to use a toy helicopter to help him in this mission;
- Photo Opportunity: Time to photograph the members of the Loco Syndicate gang. To do this, you will have to climb onto the roof to get the photos;
- Jizzy: Head to Jizzy's club, which is right next to the San Fierro bridge. Then take the girl to the city center and execute her;
- T-Bone Mendez: to complete the main missions of GTA San Andreas, steal some drugs and money from the bikers who will be at the indicated location;
- Mike Toreno: The character named Mike Toreno has been kidnapped by the Da Nang Boys gang. You must go to the locations indicated on the map before Mike's cell phone runs out of battery;
- Mountain Cloud Boys: Assist the character Woozie in confrontations against the Da Nang Boys gang, providing assistance and cover;
- Ran Fa Li: go to the airport that will be indicated and steal one of the cars from the parking lot, taking it to your car garage;
- Lure: Lure members of the Da Nang Boys gang to the countryside away from the city, while your companion Woozie takes Ran Fa Li to a safer location;
- Amphibious Assault: Invade the Da Nang Boys gang members' ship, implant a bug in the operating system and leave the location without being seen;

- The Da Nang Thang: Go back to the Da Nang Boys gang members' ship and free the hostages that are being held there. Don't forget to execute the samurai in the control cabin;
- Outrider: Grab any motorcycle and use it to escort the van to the Loco Syndicate factory. Along the way, you'll need to eliminate enemies and destroy some obstacles that will try to stop you from completing the mission;
- Snail Trail: note that there will be a journalist on the train, you must follow him. Keep following the train until the final station, this way you can eliminate the journalist and his informant, who is on Santa Maria beach;
- Ice Cold Killa: Go to Jizzy's club and sneak into the place, through the scaffolding and ceiling. Once Jizzy runs away, start a chase and steal his phone;
- Pier 69: Execute the rival gangsters on the roof, then eliminate the character named T-Bone Mendez;
- Toreno's Last Flight: chase a designated helicopter to eliminate the character Mike Toreno;
- Yay Ka-Boom-Boom: Locate the Loco Syndicate factory and steal a car, drive to the location indicated on the map and blow up the place;
- Zeroing In: using a tracker, find the indicated car, steal it and take it to your allies' garage;
- Test Drive: together with the character called Cesar, steal and test different racing cars to find out which one is the best;
- Customs Fast Track: Another car theft. This time, go to the docks that will be indicated on the map and use a crane to steal the desired car and take it to your gang's garage;
- Puncture Wounds: Use spikes on the track to puncture tires and stop cars, allowing you to steal them and complete the main missions of GTA San Andreas.
stolen land

Here in Tierra Robada, although it may seem like completing the main missions of GTA San Andreas can be easier at this stage, the objective is to protect an important cargo. Here's how to best escort and protect it:
- Monster: find the Monster Truck, get in it and complete the race that was indicated in the mission;
- HighJack: alongside the character Cesar, steal a gasoline truck and take it to the garage where your gang's cars are;
- Interdiction: use the RPG to protect the character Toreno's helicopter, so you can recover the contraband that was stolen from him;
- Verdant Meadows: Go to the desert where there is an abandoned airport. Find it and buy it.
Bone County

Completing the main missions in GTA San Andreas will require you not only to have skills on the ground, but also to be able to fly a plane to carry out important missions. See below:
- Learning to Fly: This is the stage where you will show off your new skills. You will need to enroll in a Flight School. To complete this stage, you will need to complete the tests and have at least a 70% approval to continue in Boni County;
- NOE: It's time to prove your skills as an airplane pilot! Fly below enemy radar and drop a package at the location indicated on the map, then return to the abandoned airport without being detected by your rivals;
- Stowaway: a more dangerous mission, as you will need to enter the government cargo plane and destroy it;
- Black Project: time to invade Area 69 and steal the jetpack;
- Green Goo: Travel to the train, steal a jar of green goo and take it to The Truth, in the abandoned airport you bought at the beginning of this level.
Las Venturas

Las Venturas has one of the most thrilling missions in the game! To complete the main missions in GTA San Andreas, you need to do everything right in this final stretch, including stealing a car using a helicopter! Check it out:
- Fender Ketchup: You will take the character named Johnny Sindacco and tie him to the bumper of a car. Drive around scaring him, until he decides to reveal the information you want to know;
- Explosive Situation: head to the quarry indicated on the map and steal some diamonds;
- You've had Your Chips: Enter the Sindacco gang's warehouse and destroy their counterfeit chip machines;
- Don Peyote: find the characters called Paul and Maccer in the desert, then take them to the casino indicated on the map;
- Architectural Espionage: Get the blueprints for the casino called Caligulas. But to do this, you will need to infiltrate the government building, so do it carefully;
- Key to Her Heart: Time to get the casino card! Invite the character Millie Perkins to go out to restaurants in the city, win her over and get the card she has;
- Dam and Blast: place bombs and explode them to make the dam generators stop, thus continuing with the plan to rob the Caligulas Casino;
- Cop Wheels: Also steal the police officers' motorcycles and take them to the truck that is hidden on the road;
- Up, Up an Away!: now you must use a helicopter to steal an armored car using a magnet;
- Intensive Care: Save the character Johnny Sindacco by finding the ambulance he is in;
- The Meat Business: eliminate the Sindaccos gang members and escape with the character Ken;
- Misappropriation: Gain access to the dossier for Tenpenny by executing the target;
- Madd Dogg: The character Madd Dogg will attempt suicide. Stop him and use a truck to save him;
- Fish in a Barrel: Become the owner of the Casino called Four Dragons;
- Freefall: jump out of the plane with the help of equipment, execute the targeted assassins and return with the Forellis' jet, heading to the airport;
- High Noon: Go after and execute the character named Eddie Pulaski through the desert;
- Saint Mark's Bistro: Use a jet to go to Liberty City and execute the character named Marco Forelli;
- Breaking The Bank at Caligula's: Command a robbery at Caligulas casino;
- A Home in the Hills: Reclaim Madd Dogg's mansion by eliminating the Vagos members, then execute the character named Big Poppa.
Return to Los Santos

If you've made it this far, it's because you've already completed the main missions of GTA San Andreas and are about to finish the game. But to do so, you'll need to finish by following the steps below:
- Vertical Bird: Stealthily infiltrate the ship to steal a military jet. Once you have it, take off and use it to destroy the enemy spy boats;
- Home Coming: eliminate the members of the Ballas and reclaim Grove Street, with the help of the character Sweet;
- Cut Throat Business: Time to get Madd Dogg's rhymes back! To do this, use a kart model to chase the OG Loc character;
- Beat Down On B Dup: Reclaim the Glen Park area, take control and confront the character called B-Dup;
- Gove 4 Life: Drive to Grove Street in the middle of the hustle and bustle;
- Los Desperados: Execute the members of the Los Santos Vagos gang and recover the territory of the Varrios Los Aztecas;
- End oh the Line: Go to the crack palace, invade it, eliminate the character Big Smoke and chase the character Tenpenny through the city.

Do the main missions of GTA San Andreas It may not be an easy task for players who are just starting out on their journey. Many missions are extremely dangerous and can lead to the end of the players, but with this guide you will certainly have a much better chance of finishing the game the right way and quickly, making the most of this experience in one of the most popular games in the world.
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Is it possible to skip main missions in GTA San Andreas and how does it affect the game's story?
In the game, it is not officially possible to skip the main missions, and you must complete the main missions of GTA San Andreas. However, it is possible to ignore or avoid completing some main missions, but this will have an effect on the progression of the story and the unlocking of new areas of the map, in addition to hindering other activities and features in the game.
The missions are interconnected and tell CJ's story progressively, so the game's plot, as well as its narrative, will be incomplete.
Where can I find the main missions on the GTA San Andreas map?
Tip for finding main quests:
1 – Open the map;
2- Locate the icons on the map;
Main mission icons are always highlighted with specific colors, including green, white or other more striking colors, making them easy to identify;
3- In-game warnings: as you progress through the game, the game gives you some tips on where you should go to start new missions.
4- You may also see messages like “Mission Available” or a call via radio or telephone;