Meet All Akatsuki Members, Ranked!

Meet All Akatsuki Members, Ranked!

Meet the members of the most famous group in anime!

All the members of Akatsuki play a very important role in the development of the anime Naruto. What's more, this mercenary organization is one of the most famous in anime over the last few decades. The group's success is so great that, even outside of otaku circles, it's hard to find anyone who hasn't heard of them.

Most of the twists and turns involving the characters ended up taking viewers by surprise and many of them won over the fans. In today's article we'll introduce you to all the members of the group from weakest to strongest so you can get to know them better! Is your favorite at the top of the list?


The Hidan character
The Hidan character

Of all the Akatsuki members, Hidan can be considered one of the most popular, but not one of the strongest. In his fight against Asuma we saw a lot of his sadistic personality and the importance he places on assassination, but that's not enough to make him one of the strongest in the group.

Of course, in a fight, Hidan would still be a handful. He has the ability to be immortal and his durability can give his opponents a lot of headaches. However, if one finds a way to seal him away, one can defeat him without too much trouble.


The Kakuzu character
The Kakuzu character

Kakuzu is not an easy opponent to deal with. He has several hearts and an affinity with all the elements of nature, which makes a fight against him very complicated if the opponent doesn't know his weak point. However, he is not exactly the strongest of all the Akatsuki members.

If the person facing him destroys all five of the hearts he has stolen from other ninjas, Kakuzu is defeated. He can be considered as immortal as Hidan, since he can replace his lost hearts if he still has others in his possession, making it difficult to eliminate him. In the anime, he is only defeated by Naruto, who has learned a new technique that annihilates his hearts.


The character Zetsu
The character Zetsu

Although many people consider Zetsu to be the weakest member of the group, he's not easy to deal with. He played a very important role during the Fourth Ninja War and his white part worked as a strategic tool, forming a gigantic army of white Zetsus that gave a lot of people a hard time.

And taking into account that the Black Zetsu is a creature that emerged from the first chakra user herself, Kaguya Otsutsuki, we can't say that it would be the weakest of all the Akatsuki members either. His potential is great, having managed to manipulate the bodies of powerful ninjas like Obito, Naruto and Sasuke. But we can't say that he would be the strongest of the Akatsuki members either.


The character Deidara
The character Deidara

There's no denying that Deidara has a very obvious level of strength among all the members of Akatsuki. He considers the act of blowing things up to be an art and his ability to create flying clay monsters that fire bombs makes him quite lethal when it comes to a fight against him.

In his fight against Sasuke, it's clear that the character felt the damage he took from the explosions and could end up losing. However, combat tactics were never exactly Deidara's strong suit and Sasuke ended up getting the better of him. But would another opponent have had the same luck?


The Kisame character
The Kisame character

Kisame is introduced at the very beginning of the anime when Akatsuki is introduced as Itachi Uchiha's partner. He has always been ranked among the strongest, as it would not be possible for someone of much lesser strength to end up with Itachi as a partner.

He featured prominently in his fight against Killer B, almost getting the better of him several times. In the end, he was defeated by the jinchuuriki, but there were many times when the viewer feared for B's life, which makes Kisame one of the strongest of all the Akatsuki members.


The Konan character
The Konan character

As well as being extremely strong, Konan is the only woman among all the members of Akatsuki. She and Pain are the founding members of the group. Her ability consists of manipulating paper and making it lethal. She faced Tobi as an equal and almost defeated him, but he used the Izanagi technique and rewrote reality, surprising the ninja.

Although her story wasn't given much depth, the potential she showed was always great. She was always by Nagato's side and, due to her absurd power, she was perhaps a little overlooked, without a real chance to show what she was made of. But she was never weak!


The Sasori character
The Sasori character

Sasori is known for being the master of puppets and is the central figure in one of the most exciting fights in the anime. The clash in question is against Sakura and Chiyo and the boy doesn't exactly lose in the end, but surrenders after an intense battle.

Among all the members of Akatsuki, he is one of those whose past and history are best explored. The duo was composed of Deidara and has a direct link to Kakashi Hatake, since the father of Naruto's sensei was responsible for the death of Sasori's parents.


The character Orochimaru
The character Orochimaru

Orochimaru ended up betraying Akatsuki over time, but to all intents and purposes he was a member of the group for a moment. He is one of the most iconic villains in the entire Naruto franchise and certainly deserves to be among the strongest of all Akatsuki members.

Because of Orochimaru, the third Hokage died during the chunnin test, still in the classic phase of the anime, and he can also be considered one of the main people responsible for Sasuke's departure from the Leaf Village as a child. Orochimaru is immortal and has mastered many jutsus and is considered one of the three legendary sannins, along with Tsunade and Jiraiya.


The Itachi character
The Itachi character

This is the first member of Akatsuki to be mentioned in the anime. He is Sasuke Uchiha's older brother who was responsible for the massacre that took place in the clan before the beginning of the anime. He is also the main target of Sasuke's revenge.

He managed to reach amazing levels in terms of his Sharingan at a very young age and was considered a prodigy among the ninjas of the Leaf Village. Later, after becoming a renegade, he joined the mercenary group and became one of the strongest of all Akatsuki members.


The Tobi character
The Tobi character

At first, Tobi seems clumsy and playful, and hardly anyone takes any notice of him. However, as the story progresses, we discover that Tobi is actually Obito Uchiha, who survived the accident in which he was presumed dead during a past ninja war and is currently seeking revenge.

Obito managed to awaken the power of the Rinnegan and subsequently became the jinchuuriki of the ten-tailed bijuu, which considerably increased his power. He posed as Madara Uchiha for a while and his abilities were so formidable that he managed to fool quite a few people with this story.


The character Pain
The character Pain

Nagato Uzumaki, later known as Pain, is the strongest of all the Akatsuki members. He is also the founder of the group along with his childhood best friends Konan and Yahiko.

He was able to destroy the entire Leaf Village with the famous Shinra Tensei blow that ended up becoming a universal meme for quite some time. He is also able to use the Six Ways of the Sage and possesses the power of the Rinnegan, the strongest doujutsu in the Naruto universe.

In fact, the group was responsible for playing the role of the main villain in Naruto for a long time and has many details to cover, such as the meaning of the Akatsuki ring worn by its members. However, as far as strength is concerned, this is the list of all its ranked members. Do you agree with it? What would you change? Let us know in the comments! Also check out the 13 strongest Naruto characters ranked!

Nick Narukame
I have a degree in Literature from the Fluminense Federal University. Since 2011, I've been writing about anime for specialized websites and magazines. I'm also interested in manga, dramas, games, cosplay and chocolate. I currently write for Rede Ardente and other sites.

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