Hello players!
Today we come here to present to you 5 habits that keep you from becoming someone recognized in the Free Fire community or even becoming a Pro Player!
We all know that Free Fire is one of the most played Battle Royale games today, not to mention that on the mobile platform it is the most played and most admired by players having more than 80 million players active daily within it, because it has an incredible gameplay and graphics for virtually all smartphones since it does not need a top Smartphone to run Free Fire because the game is extremely light.
But there are some habits that we must give up to become a good Free Fire player.
1- Blame something or someone for your loss.

Like it or not, we have all done it.
For example, when we are playing a match with our friend and we get a bad result, who has never blamed his friend? How many times!
Or even when we are playing with our friend and we lose to him and blame it on our internet? I have done this many times.
It will seem impossible but there are even people who blame their character's clothes!
If you do any of these things, you should correct them immediately if you want to improve your gameplay in Free Fire!
2- Being pessimistic at the beginning of the match.

Yes, this is a habit that many have.
You can't think that you will lose in the match or even that you don't know how to play, you have to be optimistic you can't be intimidated by players who are in the Hall of Fame or even players who have more clothes than you because clothes don't influence your gameplay.
Your mindset when you are starting the match should be one of optimism because whether you want it or not it will help you get the much-loved and long-awaited Booyah!
3. Not training enough.

If you really want to become a Free Fire Pro Player or at least someone recognized by the community you must train very, very hard because without training there is no result.
Many Pro Players say that they train up to 6 hours a day, this is really a lot, I'm not saying that you need to train that much, simply train every day, train various strategies such as training the movement, put the gel fast, climb cover among others.
4- Complain a lot.

Most of the Free Fire players do it very often. Complaining about the internet, the game updates, the "bad gameplay" the game offers, the servers, your virtual clothes, your Smartphone, your in-game loot, and many other unnecessary circumstances.
If you really have some complaints mentioned above, you should find solutions and try to solve them.
Certainly, if you stop complaining and become more focused on the match, you will have better results in the match.
5- No schedules.

Yes, you must have schedules.
Keeping schedules will help everything, for example, if in your day you keep a fixed schedule with a part to train only Free Fire. You will feel a huge evolution in your gameplay and that is a fact.
If you had any of the habits mentioned earlier you should be able to correct them, as this is crippling you from achieving your best gameplay within Free Fire.
Obviously you should be able to correct those 5 bad habits, mentioned earlier, for good habits, as it will help you become an amazing Free Fire player or even a professional Free Fire player.
I hope I have helped you with these tips!