Meet All The Characters From Oshi No Ko And Their Stories!

Meet All the Characters of Oshi no Ko and Their Stories!

Oshi no Ko is a manga series written by Aka Akasaka, aka Kaguya-Sama: Love is War. Although the story shares mind-blowing twists and touching arcs like Kaguya-SamaOshi no Ko's plot is completely different, as it features endearing characters that you will meet below.

The characters in Oshi no Ko, including the talented and fan-loved idol, Ai Hoshino, will have their lives changed forever in ways they never expected. In addition, the story explores the difficult reality of the entertainment world, where talent is not always enough to guarantee success.

The book also deals with the pressure and control imposed by managers and the media on idols, showing how closely personal lives are watched and how crucial public image is to career success. With an engaging storyline, captivating characters, and a unique approach to the world of idols.

The characters in Oshi no Ko

The characters in Oshi no Ko have several characteristics that arouse curiosity; below we will look at some of these elements. In addition, we will get to know each one of them, as well as their relevance to the story. The following list does not represent the least relevant to the most relevant, just those that stand out the most in the anime.

Gorou Amemiya

Meet All the Characters of Oshi no Ko and Their Stories!
Gorou Amemiya

Gorou Amemiya, a gynecologist and a big fan of idol Ai, promises a safe delivery to the pregnant idol when she shows up at his hospital. However, an encounter with a strange and mysterious figure results in her untimely death, well, that's how he had thought. Gorou, upon opening his eyes, realizes that he is in the lap of one of Oshi no Ko's characters, his beloved idol. He discovers that he has been reborn as Aquamarine Hoshino, her newborn son.

Now, Aquamarine has a second chance at life and follows the path of becoming a doctor, unlike his twin sister Ruby, who aims to become a big pop idol like their late mother. However, Aqua soon realizes that the world of showbiz is full of thorns, and he will need the help of an eccentric and unexpected ally to protect the Ai smile he loves so much.

Ai Hoshino

Meet All the Characters of Oshi no Ko and Their Stories!
Ai Hoshino

The story revolves around Ai Hoshino, a teenage pop idol who, like the vast majority of Japanese idols, must keep her life as private as possible protected. Her life as an idol is put at risk when she becomes pregnant with healthy twins, a girl and a boy, and her stalker threatens to kill her in her own home.

However, what dear Ai doesn't realize is that her children are main characters of isekai, born in new bodies. Her life and career as an idol will shape the fate of her children in ways she could never have imagined. 

While Ai's tragic life is shrouded in mystery, her story unfolds through the eyes of her children, who embark on a journey to discover the truth about their mother and their own identities. The characters in Oshi no Ko are captivatingly presented, engaging readers in a world of intense emotions, blending real life with the world of isekais.

Aquamarine Hoshino

Meet All the Characters of Oshi no Ko and Their Stories!
Aquamarine Hoshino

Aquamarine Hoshino is undoubtedly one of the main characters in the manga "Oshi no Ko". He is the son of idol Ai Hoshino, a young pop idol who becomes the mother of twins, a boy and a girl, who end up being the protagonists of isekai, that is, different people born in new bodies. However, Aqua's fate is different from that of his sister Ruby, for he is the reincarnation of Dr. Gorou, who was brutally murdered after the twins were born.

Aqua, one of the characters in Oshi no Ko, is driven by a strong desire for revenge and spends the reborn years searching for his mother's killer, possibly his biological father. Meanwhile, he also reluctantly becomes a child actor, along with his friends Akane Kurokawa and Kana Arima, but his role of pretending to be someone else goes beyond acting and is a second chance for him to hunt down his target.

However, Aqua must deal with an obsession for revenge that could consume his soul and ruin his second chance at life. In addition, he must find a balance between his mission and his career as a child idol, while keeping his true identity a secret.

Ruby Hoshino

Meet All the Characters of Oshi no Ko and Their Stories!
Ruby Hoshino

Before her reincarnation, Ruby Hoshino was Sarina, a sickly girl who was a fan of her idol Ai Hoshino. Ruby, another of the characters in Oshi no Ko, is a young girl who along with Aquamarine gets a second chance at life after being reincarnated as her twin sister.

Now Ruby has a new goal in mind: to become a big pop star like her late mother. To this end, she forms the group B-Komachi with her friends Kana Arima and Mem-Cho, and even names the group after her mother.

Ruby is eager to explore her new life and have all the fun she never had before. However, she knows she can't let her mother's killer go unpunished, and his true identity could change her life forever. With an engaging storyline, the characters in Oshi no Ko drive a story full of mystery and excitement.

Kana Arima

Meet All the Characters of Oshi no Ko and Their Stories!
Kana Arima

Despite her difficult personality, Kana Arima continues to dedicate herself to the world of entertainment and to honing her skills as an actress. She has always dreamed of being a big movie star, but the realities of the industry have taken some of the passion out of her work.

However, the opportunity to join B-Komachi has brought new enthusiasm to Kana, one of the characters in Oshi no Ko. She sees the potential of the group and, despite her reservations, is determined to help Ruby realize her dream of becoming a famous idol. Kana brings a strong presence to the group and, as the most experienced, she takes the lead in many situations.

While working with Ruby and the other members of B-Komachi, Kana begins to rediscover her passion for entertainment and finds new ways to challenge herself and grow. However, she still keeps a critical eye on the industry and is always aware of the dangers that can come with fame and success.

Akane Kurokawa

Meet All the Characters of Oshi no Ko and Their Stories!
Akane Kurokawa

Akane Kurokawa is a very important character in the manga series Oshi no Ko, providing key support for the main cast.

The actress is introduced as Aqua's co-star in the dating show LoveNow. After becoming involved in an argument during filming, Akane is saved by Aqua and becomes his girlfriend in the plot.

Akane is characterized by her commitment to her work and her ability to adapt to different roles. She is a dedicated and committed actress, willing to give her best in every situation. Her story may have been inspired by tragic events in reality, such as the case of Hana Kimura, which added depth to her narrative.


Meet All the Characters of Oshi no Ko and Their Stories!

Besides being a former TikToker and a well-known YouTuber, Mem-Cho is a character who, since childhood, has always dreamed of becoming an idol. It turns out that due to her family's situation, she was unable to fulfill her desire to be an idol due to her advanced age.

Even so, she became a very popular streamer, managing to secure her spot on the dating reality show LoveNow. After the television show ended, Aqua eventually called her and invited her to become an idol in his group with her sister.

Regarding her personality, Mem-Cho is described as attractive, cute, and innocent. She has watercolor eyes and blonde dyed hair, as well as a cat-like smile. Mem-Cho is a character devoted to her family, especially her two younger brothers, whom she cares a great deal about.

The success of the anime Oshi no Ko

The anime recently got its animated version, where you will see each of the outstanding characteristics of the characters in Oshi no Ko and feel the emotion they feel. It also portrays what the characters went through before the discovery of the idol's pregnancy.

And this was a bit about some trivia regarding the characters in Oshi no Ko. Also read this, The most anticipated anime of the year: Check it all out! See more about this amazing anime in this video below.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is Aqua and Ruby's father in Oshi no Ko?

Aqua and Ruby's father in "Oshi no Ko" is Hikaru Kamiki. He is the man who had Aqua and Ruby with Ai Hoshino, as well as being the main antagonist of the series. Hikaru Kamiki is mentioned as the father of both characters in the manga and it is implied that he leaked Ai's address to a disgruntled fan, resulting in her death and motivating his son to seek revenge.

Who killed Ai Hoshino?

According to the information found, Ai Hoshino was killed by an obsessed fan in Oshi no Ko. The killer is revealed to be Hikaru Kamiki, Ai's ex-boyfriend and father of her twin children, Aquamarine and Ruby.

What is the name of the idol from Oshi no Ko?

The name of the idol in Oshi no Ko is Ai Hoshino. She is the main character in the manga and anime, being the leader of the idol group B-Komachi, which belongs to Strawberry Productions.

What is the name of the main character in Oshi no Ko?

Ai Hoshino is the main character of Oshi no Ko. Ai Hoshino is portrayed as the main figure of "B-Komachi," a group of idols owned by Strawberry Productions. Before becoming an idol, she was an unprofessional young redneck girl. At the age of 16, she became pregnant and decided to keep her babies a secret from the world, interrupting her career. After the birth of her twins, Aquamarine and Ruby, she returns to idol activities. However, at the age of 20, a fan discovers the existence of her children and kills them for "betraying her fans".

What is the relationship between Kana and Akane in Oshi no Ko?

Kana and Akane are involved in the life of Aqua, the protagonist, in many ways, creating a love triangle and drama in the story.

Student of Biological Sciences, although, completely in love with Games, Animes and everything related to Technology and Geek Culture. I write here for Rede Ardente and other sites!

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